Friday, July 23, 2010


Alls I gotta say is DAYUMMMM. How in the world is it July 23rd already? We've taken a hiatus from giving updates for about about 6 weeks but you know what? I think we're back.

Anyway, tomorrow Ryan, David, Grace, and I are headed to Governours Island for the HARD NYC concert debuting MIAs newest album, MAYA, and all of her freaky protages. Should be exciting, pictures will follow!

Cheers for now

Thursday, July 15, 2010


looks like it's gonna be/has been a McCartney two kinda summer, check it:

p.s. my birthday just passed and i'm still lusting after this:

via bona drag, i most defos want.

stay cool kids!
x yani

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tame Impala

If I could find a beach in the area that wasn't littered with heroin needles this would be the track to accompany me on my visit. I'd probably be on the same shit as this guy.
Post apocalyptic surfer rock at its finest.

Peace, Soul, and Hair Grease

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Wear This - One Piece Suits

I think I have an obsession with swimwear because I NEVER get to wear it...Here's some hot one-piece picks that I've eyed today.....I bet if and when I ever get a chance to be on a beach, I'd rather wear nothing anyway.....


Thursday, May 6, 2010

Laundromat Saga

There's no convenient time to do laundry in New York.  To add to this, the majority of New Yorkers have a shit ton of clothes and next to no closet space.  Creating dirty laundry is like that evil little birdy screaming in your ear, at least for me it is, saying "when are you going to do laundry, you have no clean underwear, when are you going to find time to do this, what are you going to wear tomorrow if you don't do it......?" Now of course there are tons of ways to dodge doing laundry ie. not wearing underwear, wearing clothes you haven't worn in ages, going out and buying socks, however, there comes a time when you MUST work up the energy to gather alllllllll your dirty shit and plug to the laundromat........
Well let me tell you that I was in this very position on Monday.  Not only hadn't I don't laundry in, I would say, two months, but I also decided I would find another way around the conditions of doing laundry and DROP IT OFF FOR WASH N FOLD! wow who woulda thunk it.  Anyways, I had 27 lbs, I repeat TWENTY SEVEN POUNDS OF DIRTY LAUNDRY.
I come back to pick it up about three hours later and as I am walking in the door the lady that was folding my clothes was literally crying, I had made her very upset with my laundry.  She takes one look at me and gets up in my face screaming "TOO MUCH CLOTHE, PAY ME MORE, HOW LONG YOU WAIT TO DO LAUNDRY!? TOO MUCH UNDAWEA, YOU LAUNDRY TAKE TOO LONG, TOO MUCH UNDAWEA, TOO MUCH UNDAWEA!" (the larger font signifies heightened volume).
I proceeded to get very angry and loud back at her "THAT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS, I PAID YOU TO DO MY LAUNDRY, GET OUT OF MY FACE!" I then grabbed the remaining unfolded clothing off the table, she snatched them out of my hands and tried to start folding them again with her face wrinkled up and frowning, I snatched them back, yelled "CALM DOWN YOU PSYCHO" and got the F out of there!!
I just wanted to share my little laundry saga with you all.  Like Ryan always says, "its the greatest thing when reality is funnier than made up stuff" or something like that......

xxx Des

Monday, April 26, 2010

everyone WEAR THIS at the same party!

Have you ever been to a party where someone shows up wearing the same exact thing as you? 
A little embarrassing, yes.  Slightly annoying, definitely.  But something to let ruin your fun, 
Keep it movin ladies cuz chances are you both look hot in it.
Anyways, Ryan and I went to this party with our girls Ines and Sandy.  Not but 20 minutes after we arrive does this chick walk up with the same exact black and white blazer as Ines.  Shake it off and keep it movn...About 30 minutes after that a THIRD rolls in with the same exact blazer.
A little comic relief to lighten the situation and next thing you know, 

Friday, April 23, 2010


I am proud to present to you all, 
(as cliche as that is, being that its actually a Ross Bike)
I always wonder why everyone gives female names to their transportation devices.
Well mines a BOY! 
As a matter of fact, 

Happy Friday, 

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Party Time Posting

It's bout that time again. This Sunday, 04/18, bring your cardboard paper, baby powder, glow sticks, pacifiers, whistles, adidas track suit sets, and whatever else constitutes you getting that ass on the dance floor, and working out all them emotions, and feelings, and what not have yous. If I forgot anything please send me a friendly reminder in the comments section.

As they say location is everything so I'll mention it again:
No Malice Palace
197 E. 3rd St. btwn Ave A & B

No cover, drink specials, blah, blah, blah. You'll figure all that out when you show up.

Hear This

Yarbrough & Peoples. I'm on a Yarbrough rampage. No relation to the last Yarbrough but the same caliber of nastiness. Maybe they were all trained at the same school of funk.

Check out my man at 1:27 on the bass. I swear thats my same dance every time I hear this track. I think my play count for this track is in the mid hundreds. I could actually be considered a drug dealer for publishing this track cause you'll be addicted upon listening to this.
Name your children Yarbrough, hand them a bass guitar, a mic, get the grill going, and get ready to jam.

Hear This

Camille Yarbrough. I'm on her jock and you should be too.

Maybe it's cause I haven't had a real job for umpteenth months or cause I'm frustrated or both. Or maybe it's just cause this song is tastier than that last slice of your favorite cake. Either way, you need this song in your life. If for nothing other than the base line this song is deserving of a standing ovation. This track makes me wanna have a hard day at work so that I can come home, smoke a jay, and wax philosophically with my "chilrens" bout how the man is holding us down. You dig!


Here's some photo's from the last two weeks of my life.  Ryan and I kicked it at my Mom's for Easter, of course I forgot my cam, couple flip yo face's, celebration of Spadi's feature in a kick ass magazine, Yani came home, Ryan got some grills, we all had tons of work to do, Sarah and I went to the Science Museaum in Queens, and YEAH.  ENJOY!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Worship Her

Just listen to that voice! Even talking, she's sex on wheels.  It's amazing how someone so beautiful and talented could stay under the radar for so long. She's one of the best kept secrets of the last 30 years. Even as the American Apparel culture picks up on her,  Ms. Davis has yet to receive her proper dues.

I would give anything to have a time machine to bring her to the present and guarantee her  all the success she was denied. The world wasn't ready for her then. Hell, I don't know if we could deal with it now. Maybe that's why she's a one of a kind. The best thing I can suggest is if you don't know bout this one, educate yourself. It's a worthwhile investment.

Peace and Hair Grease

Wear This

It's not so much the labels as the look. In fact, fuck the labels! Mr. Kors is a robot and Loboutin's are affordable if you are a trust-fund baby (Kors on left, Loboutin on right). Yet, even as I bad mouth these evil conglomerates I fantasize owning either of these delectable shoes. I figure, if your gonna drink the koolaid make sure it's sweet.

Peace and Hair Grease
Just a reminder that court is in session tonight at 10pm. Be there cause the judge is in the house and she's pounding the gavel on those dance tracks.

Everyone should know the addy by now, but just in case:

No Malice Palace
197 E 3rd St btwn Ave A & B
Look for the green light & black awning
Free to get in
Drink specials cheaper than most coat check in the city (honest, I've seen it)

Take a visual tour of the right hemisphere of our brain at Feel free to take offense to anything, but write it down in our comments box so we know who to flood with hate mail.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Ah.. the sweet, sweaty remedies of some good ol' DANCIN'

If you don't know our dudes Snack & C'mish of the Turntable Lab NYC, also known as Jay Snackson and Matthew Ro, NOW YOU KNOW .

Read this sick review of these amazing DJ's on here. Basically, we love and respect Snack & C'mish and can't help but kiss their toes for making our bodies shake for hours on end. This is one of an exponential number of examples of why they're rad.

ANYWAY,  I had the pleasure of going to MAGNUM,  one of their parties on Friday night at Tandum Bar in Bushwick.  Peep some of the photogs..........



That's all for now, 

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

This one goes out to all the ladies..

 Hey kiddies! So I know that Desi is usually the one on here giving some narration to our crazy lives, but after finishing up South by, I felt compelled to post. Austin was absolutely insane! My trip down south started off sort of up in the air. Long story short, all of my plans buckled at the last minute (hours before my flight to be exact) leaving me freaking out in NY and potentially homeless in Austin. I've been in this situation before (i.e. Buenos Aires) so I knew I would be able to work it out. After exhausting all of my Austin connections and networks, my friend Lauren (who is probably the nicest person you will ever meet) was able to hook me up with one of her dear friends, Mallory. The house is actually owned by Maury, I believe, and that dude is the raddest person I've ever met. He has an extensive collection of pattern socks AND brews his own beer,case in point, check out the kegerator sitting in the kitchen below (the stout was super-delicious btw).

When I walked in the door these kids were chillin out, relaxing all cool, so I got to hang with them for most of sxsw. I ran into these suckas, and a whole bunch of other people who know people that I know in Brooklyn. Anywho, the whole point of this post is not to make you all super jealous, but to actually write about why I went to South by in the first place..for the music, duh! I saw over 20 free shows (most of them at Cheer Up Charlie's aka Ms. Bea's). 

After jumping around from venue to venue, gig after gig, I found a positively common theme arise: the girls were absolutely killing it! It was so nice to see girl bands and girl leads fuckin rippin it on stage, being sexy without having to be, and musically putting the boys to shame. I loved every minute of it!  Best Coast, These are Powers, Vivian Girls, Dum Dum Girls and Chew Lips all delivered. My favorite, by far, has to be Warpaint. I adore these girls. Even with shitty sound problems they still worked it out and delivered one of the best shows I've been to in ages. The haunting harmonies were on point, and man o man do those girls know how to master their instruments! I've been obsessed ever since 'Elephants' dropped, and was beyond ecstatic to find out that they would be playing sxsw. check it:

x yani


No seriously.  WORK.

"All of the jewelry is created and designed three-dimensionally using traditional garment draping techniques.  Each season, Bliss focuses on a new part of the body to enhance and decorate, inspiration is found in history, the study of Hawaiian culture or corsets and armor as well as the architecture of New York such as the Brooklyn Bridge and Chrysler building."

Go to Court at 178 Mulberry Street, NYC for Bliss Lau's sexy pieces.


Thursday, March 18, 2010


Photos are a little late, I know, BUT here you have em.  Crazy tsunami rain this past weekend in NYC so it looks like everyone cured that cabin fever with a dash of boogie and a dose of drank.  
Good thing spring has sprung and we can take our cats for a walk now!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Strive to be more positive

There's too much hate in this world.  Some people use so much of their energy on hate.  Why not be more efficient this week and spread that positive energy.  I know everyone has some in them. *Cheers*

Monday, March 8, 2010

Buckle your seat belts...

Do it and do it some more.  This week at No Malice Palace was superb. More new faces pile on to get flipped! Tunes on point, check.  Tall guy lookin fresh, check.  Delightful faces in the house, double check. Buckle your seat belts, ya'll, cause the crew is preparing for take-off.
xxx Des